Cuba Libre!
10 Aug 2017 - zach
This work was done long before my website existed. It has been backdated to the time of the original work's completion. The actual post date for this article is 25 June 2019
In the 2016–2017 academic year I worked at the ISU Library with a student from Florida. We had many very interesting conversations about contemporary politics and I learned a lot hearing her from perspective.
When I saw this comic, depicting the life of Fidel Castro, I recalled that some of her parents and grandparents came to the United States from Cuba as a result of the events it depicted. I resolved to translate it for her before I left for China later that summer. The following PDF is the result.
Note that this translation was a rush job. The wording and grammar are terrible, and many of the original Chinese sentences really threw me for a loop. Nevertheless, I had help and proofing from a Chinese friend, so the translation is poor but at least mostly accurate. I also apologize for the format. I had no idea I would ever upload it to the Internet, so it is only available in PDF form. For future translations I will use a more web-friendly format.
If you read nothing else, read the “Coming Soon” section. It’s amusing.