Image captions reads 'Finally got banned from the flat earth discord by posting a forbidden image'. The image depicts a meteor striking a flat earth and knocking off all the dinosaurs, resulting in their extinction.

Maps are a key cognitive concept that we use to make sense of the world. Nearly every fantasy and science fiction writer will create a map, and if he doesn’t, fans will.

Without getting too much into details, I will say that my style of worldbuilding is more technical than is probably necessary. While I’ve drawn maps on pencil and paper since I was in middle school, the limitations of this method have always bothered me.

  1. Humans are generally terrible at drawing fantasy maps. Humans are too deterministic to reliably generate random content. Humans also often don’t understand geology well enough to generate realistic results.
  2. Paper is a terrible storage medium. It’s generally imprecise, non-scalable, and wears out with use.

Over time, I progressed from pen and paper, to the GIMP, and to Inkscape. The GIMP is very precise and supports layers, but raster graphics are completely non-scalable. Inkscape was game-changing. Vector geometry was precise, scalable, and entirely digital.

Eventually I discovered true GIS software. In high school I had dismissed these tools as being too technical, but eventually realized that software that was developed to write maps is highly suited to writing maps, offering all the advantages of SVG, but directly suited to writing maps.

A fictional country in North America, rendered in the same visual style as the thumbnail country maps on Wikipedia.

In high school, I would use image overlays on Google Earth to see what fictional landmasses looked like. I have certainly made much progress, but every day I discover new features and find new ways to put them to use.

This page documents some of the interesting things I’ve done in this area.
